Thursday, November 6, 2008

How Much Do You Love Your Kids?

Several months ago it was announced at our local live theater, RMT, that they would be having auditions for the Wizard of Oz. My little drama queen begged me to let her try out. As the date got closer I called to find out times etc. It turned out, children were strongly encouraged to try out with a parent or older sibling. What? Karadie didn't have an older sibling able to try out at the moment - Cameron certainly wasn't going to do it. What was I to do? This was something she had been planning and preparing for, for months. I did what any mother would do. Right? I tried out with her. No, you won't be seeing us in the local production. We both got call-backs. Karadie was called back for munchkin/flying monkey and I was called back for Aunt Em. Yes, you read it right. They viewed me as an OLD and FAT woman! Needless to say, the experience was so worth it. We had a great time and learned a lot.

Share your stories with me. What have you done for your children, just because you love them?


Melissa said...

Robyn I loved this post.
That's so cool that you did that.
Sorry about the part they chose for you BUT they CAN put on LOTS of makeup and LOTS of padding for the part too, and I'm sure that's what they were thinking. I think you look great.
Hmmmmmmmm what have I done for my kids.
That'll suffice for now.

Laura said...

so you got the part?

When Leah was little she had imaginary friends that would even come to the store with us and she would make me hold their imaginary hand and call them by their name and offer them food... IN PUBLIC! I was embarrassed but I know some day I will sadly embarrass her.

Becky said...

So are you going to do it? Fun. I know the director and a few people doing it. I almost auditioned but I wanted to be a witch and the witches don't sing so Im trying out for the next one... Im excited for you both- it will be a fun experience (maybe you'll even get hooked)

RaShawn said...

I think it's great that you tried out with her. It is amazing the things we will do for our children.

Carrie said...

I'm so impressed you did this. I'm sorry you didn't make it to the final show. I definitely would have come and watched.

I think everything I do for Olivia is because I love her. Even the getting up at 3:30 in the morning and making her cocoa or feeding her food... it's all because of love. Wouldn't you agree?

Heather Harbaugh said...

what HAVEN'T i done for Oakleigh because I love her?! How about putting up with a real live version of the wicked witch of the west (her birth mother)!

Linetta said...

I went through almost 6 years of infertility testing, a surgery and a slew of tests, blood draws and pokes and prods from a multitude of doctors and nurses and too many MAJOR shots, hot sweats and witchy moods. And that was just to get pregnant! BUUUUUTT, they are way worth it!

Talbot Family said...

I am so cracked up. You are a good mom, I don't know that I would do that. Hmmm, I can't think of anything bizarre that I have done for my child, I am just usually bizarre doing wacky things anyway. Adessa is the one doing crazy things for me!

5ofus said...

Robyn I thought Karadie did an awesome job with the little play the kids did in Primary on Sunday. She is such a doll. I unfortunately am the one that my kids ask to please not do something so they don't have to. I figure if I don't make them feel like it doesn't matter what anyone thinks now they won't have to worry once they get to high school cause I worried way too much.

Sorry I didn't call ya back we got home way late cause we were at my in-laws doing funeral stuff.