Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Hair

Karadie made some real accomplishments this year in school. I asked
her what she wanted to do to celebrate and she replied that she wanted
to cut her hair. I made a few suggestions like go get an ice-cream cone, get a new book, or someother non-invasive celebration. Not Karadie, if there is one thing that child inherited from me it was my stubborness. We didn't ask dad, cuz we knew he would have stronger feelings against her cutting hair than I did. So we just did it. I must admit, her new hair fits her sassy, fun personality. We're really proud of her and her achievements in school. Way to go Karadie!


Carrie said...

Karadie! I love your hair. I really think you make it look adorable!

Heather Harbaugh said...

Karadie, you are beautiful no matter what you do but I do love your new hair cut! It fits your personality so much! I love you Karebear!

Papa Grizzly said...

Wow your hair looks great can't wait to see ya with your new do.

Melissa said...

Ohhhhhhhhh I was always so sad to see my long hair go but then so happy to have a great new cut.
Looks like she's happy with her cut.

Laura said...

She looks adorable! Way to go on your schooling Karadie!!!

Talbot Family said...

Super Diva Stylish!

Kensington said...

i miss your long beautiful hair but your new look is way totally cute! just promise me you will grow it out long again.