Sunday, August 17, 2008

Six Quirky Traits!

Carrie tagged me with this crazy tag. Six quirky traits about me. I have far too many to narrow them down to 6 but here goes...
1. My shower routine cannot vary. Get in, wet down hair, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, shave armpits, legs, wash body, rinse hair. Be absolutely sure not to get water on face. Get out of shower, dry off, put on face moisterizer, deodorant, comb hair, you get the picture.

2. I cry, literally burst into tears if the windshield wipers go on and there is no rain. Just ask Cameron. Absolute hysterics.

3. I hate feet. They make me vomit to look at, especially old peoples. Back in the days when I gave massages, I tried to skip over the feet. If this could not be avoided I had to place my mind in a happy place.

4. I cannot go to bed with my door shut or the girls bedroom doors shut. I have to be able to hear them breathe at night. When they are not sleeping where I can hear them, then I don't sleep very well.

5. I hate reading books, blogs, newspapers, etc. with mispelled words or terrible grammar. Drives me crazy. I love Stephanie Meyer, but even she has a few mistakes in her books.

6. I talk in my sleep. Cameron loves to carry on a conversation with me when I talk. He can usually manipulate my dreams during my slumbering conversation. Not cool. One time he even made me believe the kitten's head popped off.

Now I get to tag 6 people. I tag...Linetta, Ryan (welcome to the blogging world), Rondi, Chelsie, Heidi, & Megan.


Carrie said...

I had no idea about the windshield wipers. That's crazy. I'm glad you did this tho. Fun stuff.

Laura said...

LOL! You must get SUPER bugged when reading my posts since I have TERRIBLE grammar... Funny!

Perry's said...

You shouldn't read my blogs then. You would go crazy. Blair goes crazy.

Talbot Family said...

John had to point out every mistake she had made in Twilight. I wanted to punch his teeth out. Don't worry I won't punch yours out:) I will remember the foot thing for the next time I want to gross someone out.

Melissa said...

This is funny man.