Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hope vs Despair

I so loved conference last weekend! In anticipation, I wondered if the bretheren would speak a lot about the economy and desperate times in which we live. I was so relieved that their message was one of hope. President Uchtdorf's Saturday morning talk especially touched my heart. "Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness. Hope is a gift of the spirit. It is a hope that through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, we shall be raised unto life eternal...We have the responsibility to make it an active part of our lives and overcome the temptation to lose hope. Hope is not knowledge, but rather the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill his is confidence that if we live according to God's laws and the words of his prophet now, we will receive desired blessing in the future."

I have been feeling so discouraged the last little while. I keep hearing about my good friends troubles...loss of jobs, loss of income, unstable jobs, not enough work, foreclosures, etc.; not to mention our own current situation. It has all weighed so heavy on my heart. A few times I have even had an all out real panic attack. Very scary. After listening to the conference messages such a weight was lifted off my shoulders. No...things haven't changed, but my outlook has. I know that panic attacks, fear, despair, discouragement are of Satan. We are doing everything we can. We go to church, have family home evening, pay our tithing, fast offerings, I even got a job. I know that I need to have more hope in my life. The Lord's promises are sure! Whenever I start to feel the despair creep back in, I pull out the conference messages and I again feel my Father in Heaven's love and know that if I hold on, the light will come!


Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing Robyn.
That's a great outlook.

Heather Harbaugh said...

You know I'm a firm believer in hope. If I wasn't...I would no longer be here and I wouldn't be married to Jason. Thanks for sharing that. I love you and you are the best big sister ever!

Linetta said...

I loved the conference talks, too. They were more inspirational than telling us what we weren't doing or what we should be doing. It was good to receive hope especially during this rough time in our nation. It's nice to know that we're being watched over...even during the hard times.

Sarah said...

I love HOPE! In fact, we gave that as Paige's middle name...for a number of reasons. I can't help but look at her bright eyes and sincere smile and remember what meanings lay behind the simple word of HOPE. Looking at my girls helps me remember WHY I have to keep HOPE. I gain so much HOPE from my girls...and need to hang onto HOPE FOR them.

Good luck in the continuing job search at your house. Thanks for your understanding of these hard times.

Melissa said...

Hey Robyn I've still got Milli Vanilli on my playlist. You just have to scroll down a bit.
love ya
milz xx

Melissa said...

Ok I promise this is the last comment.
I put Bryan Adams summer of 69 on for you.
Is that ok?

Carrie said...

Thanks for the reminder. I needed to re-hear that part about hope.

RaShawn said...

Conference always seems to say just what I need. Heavenly Father does know each of us.

Tiffany said...

I too had wondered how the brethren would address our current situation, and they did it in just the right way. There's nothing like hope to get a person to lift themselves up by the bootstraps. Thanks!!

Megan said...

I felt the same way! The message of having hope and faith seemed to be the theme this year! Thanks for sharing this quote.


Carrie said...

Every time I read that last line, "Hold on, the light will come.." I start breaking out into Micheal McLean songs! You know, the ones that NEVER leave your brain and you sing them ALL day long! Thanks!