Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Zits at my Age!

Okay, so don't be looking for any pictures. I'm not posting any of my face right now. But seriously...I already went through pubirty. I no longer have periods, but I look like a thirteen year old (no offense Karina). I currently look like a pizza face. All day long I've been singing (to the tune of Popcorn Popping) "I looked in the mirror and what did I see? A face full of blemishes and acne. If I could pop one, which would would it be? The one on my nose looks ready to me." With any luck, my husband might think he's fallen in love with a teenager!


Carrie said...

AWESOME! Is this one of your made up songs? I've never heard it before... Definitely made me laugh!

Hey, on a brighter side... I've heard somewhere that CHOCOLATE helps acne. Want to try it? Let me know how it turns out for you.

Laura said...

Great song! Hope you it doesn't spread.. . hahaha! Just Kidding.

Tiffany said...

Um, thanks for sharing, I think. Just don't expect any sympathy from me. Didn't really have a problem in Jr. high/high school, but now I do (don't tell me I'm more stressed now then I was then). Let me know of any "miracle cures".

RaShawn said...

I heard that chocolate makes them worse. Maybe it's all that stress in your life. Good luck getting rid of that. It could be worse. All of your hair could be falling out like mine. hahaha

Perry's said...

I could just picture it in my head. I am really grossed out. Thanks for the image. Stop stressing. I am sure you are still beautiful. You are your own worst critic

Sarah said...

Uh-oh chocolate makes it worse?? I'm doomed.

Nasty song. (I had a bit of Carrie's laughing reaction...but also Tiffany's "I think" reaction too!!)

I'm just thinking EMPATHY. It is teaching you EMPATHY again for the next few years with your house of girls!

Melissa said...

I hear ya sistah!!
Give me a amen!

Heather Harbaugh said...

I want to tell all the people who have commented on this post that I got that song personally sung to me by Robyn today (over the phone mind you). I am so freaking lucky!!

Familia Martinez said...

If only the curse would leave us when we get "mature". Maybe that is my problem I haven't gotten to that point yet. I really have the problem when I am pregnant. Other moms get to glow during pregnancy I get zits and cold sores. Yeah I am a site for closed eyes I tell ya. I guess I am blessed that Anthony is stuck with me considering he is the one that knocked me up and all. Love the song! Miss you! See you soon.
Love Ang

5ofus said...

Oh Robyn I just always look forward to the Resurection. But maybe perfect skin is ZITS. I know for me it is because I have lived with them FOREVER!!!!!! I am scared what my kids will have to deal with. Too bad the don't make stlish face masks.

Kensington said...

ok i am kinda embarrassed to say that she is my mother. but this isn't the most embarrassing one. I hate the hemrhoid song. But there is funny songs too! Love ya!

Talbot Family said...

Whatever! I have seen your face and it pales in comparison to my fabulous 30yr. old puberty moment. I swear that when jr. high kids give you tips about what to do for your zits there is something seriously wrong.