Thursday, April 17, 2008


"For comforts sake, never bathe too long in the sunshine of people's opinion."

Why is it that we allow someone else's opinion determine how we feel about ourselves? A young child never looks in the mirror and says "hmmm, do you I look fat in this shirt?" A toddler who hears "you've got the cutest, chubby cheeks," doesn't automatically develop an aversion to mother's milk because he/she thinks it's too high in calories for consumption. So, when do we develop this dependency of others approval to make up our self-esteem?

I've listened to too many women over the past years, and for someone reason more frequently of late, cut themselves down and belittle themselves. I've heard so many allow their self-esteem to be made up by what others think or say about them. I fall into this category more often than I'd like to admit. Why are we so hard on ourselves?

We are all beautiful. We are all of divine creation. We are all heirs to kingdoms beyond our wildest imagination. We are all trying our very best to be the best person we can be. I think we need to give ourselves a break. With spring in the air, there is a sense of new beginnings and happy hopes. Let us go forward today not judging others, or ourselves, but encouraging our friends and loved ones, lifting spirits and helping each other along the way. Life is too hard to not help each other out. So if we allow ourselves to be detoured by what others opinions of us are, let it be just that, a detour. Then get back on the road of knowing ones own self-worth.

Happy high self-esteem day to you all!


Carrie said...

I DID IT! :)

Carrie said...

Ok.. now that I got that out of my system, thank you for this post. Can we have a "Happy high self-esteem day" everyday? We could just walk around saying "HHSEDay" or "Happy High Day", but that could sound like we were all smoking something... We'll figure it out. But again, thanks!

Laura said...

Yeah... thanks. I needed that! I feel loved by others but sometimes I need to love myself a bit more. We are of divine creation and of infinite worth. I just need to act that way. I love the "idea" of building each other up... we all need it! Thanks for sharing.

Talbot Family said...

Honestly, I don't care about how I look as long as I have someone to laugh with. Laughter is the best. Next time we feel down, let's just find something to laugh about and then we'll feel better right away. It works for me most of the time. So Ha Ha Ha.. Whew, I feel better.